Superheros and the Pursuit of Justice


Superheros and the Pursuit of Justice

A study of Superhero Narratives in Comic Books and its Relevance to American society’s views on Morality and Justice

Dennis Chiang, Yale-NUS College ‘17

(Initially published in YNUJ Volume 1, 2016)


This research paper is an examination into the philosophical aspects of the Superhero narratives and its relevance, parallels, and correlation with society’s own pursuit for justice. There is a rich existing literature consisting of works by psychologists, philosophers and historians that provide the insights required. The main focus of my content analysis of Superhero narratives will be on its depiction in comic books and a few relevant broadcast media portrayals. Although there has been a proliferation of Superhero content in broadcast media, the defining characteristics of Superhero narratives are still derived from the source material. I shall hence afford greater attention to the latter.

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